Whether you're a new homeowner or an experienced pro, there's still so much about home maintenance that can be overwhelming and confusing to understand.
a pink piglet

Whether you’re a new homeowner or an experienced pro, there’s still so much about home maintenance that can be overwhelming and confusing to understand. Even the most seasoned expert could always use some extra advice when it comes to home renovation. Balancing upgrades that are meaningful quality-of-life improvements for you and your family with what type of return on investment you can expect if you sell in the future is tricky, and both concerns need to be at the forefront of your mind when you’re making your home upgrade and improvement plan. If you’re not sure where to get started, read on for five home renovation tips for anyone looking to do some work on their residence.

1. Set a realistic budget.


Before you go any further, you need to decide how much money you’re willing and able to spend. Keep in mind that the majority of home renovation projects don’t have a high return on investment, so it’s usually not a good idea to spend a large amount of money on a complete overhaul if you’re expecting to see a net gain in your home’s value when you’re finished. Don’t be afraid to get an estimate from a couple of different contractors before you make a decision, as you might find that their prices vary more than you expect. It’s not a good idea to try to cut corners to save money, but finding the best deal for high-quality service is the best way to go about renovating your home.

2. Guarantee quality climate control.


It’s easy to overlook how important indoor temperature regulation is to have a comfortable and safe home, but, if you don’t have a modern, working source of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning, you should move it to the top of your priority list. HVAC systems don’t just control indoor climate, they also regulate and maintain healthy airflow and help with removing unpleasant odors. If you are interested in installing a new HVAC system or upgrading your current one, it’s worth it to invest in quality. You’ll want to find a business like DirectAC to help. If you’re not in the Miami area, make sure you focus on contractors, technicians, and companies with a visible online presence so that you can evaluate their service fully.

3. Prioritize projects with a positive return on investment.


Balancing cost vs. value is one of the most important parts of planning a renovation. While some projects are worth putting money into regardless of the impact on a future sale, it’s always a good idea to be conscious of how each project will affect your home’s value. One common misconception, for example, is that complete kitchen renovations are a smart investment. More focused upgrades, like backsplashes or buying more energy-efficient appliances are a better idea. Environmentally friendly upgrades are a smart move for homeowners in general, as interest in eco-friendly homes is growing significantly among buyers.

4. Maintenance and repair are essential.


Renovation isn’t just about creating something new, it’s also about making what you do have a function as well as it can. Your appliances, such as a washer, dryer, or refrigerator, can often stop running at peak efficiency over time and need regular, routine maintenance. Your furnace, for example, should be inspected at least once yearly and replaced entirely every 10-15 years. Your washer, dryer, dishwasher, refrigerator, and freezer are all candidates for inspection and repair when planning a major home renovation. Appliance repair services are not all created equal, so take time when deciding which one you intend to use. You want to look for companies like Oregon Appliance Repair, that have a visible online presence where you can evaluate their business and services. Broken appliances are more than an inconvenience, as any leaks or malfunctions can cause damage to your home or create safety risks for you and your family. If you notice anything isn’t working as it should, it’s best to have an expert technician take a look before it’s too late.

Home renovation is complicated, even under the best of circumstances. There’s no way to guarantee smooth sailing from start to finish on any major home improvement project, but there are plenty of ways you can prepare yourself and increase the odds you have a successful and affordable renovation experience. Whether you’re just looking to do some minor interior design or your home needs a complete overhaul, it’s essential that you give yourself and your family the best chance of having a great experience possible. Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to living in your dream home.



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